
Sophomore @ NYU

Relevant Courses:

  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Multivariable Calculus
  • Linear Algebra

  • KlabKraft

    Java, Minecraft Forge API, Gradle

    Implemented Custom Items, Blocks, and Recipes into existing Minecraft -- leveraging build automation and dependency management.



    Next.js, React, Firebase, Material UI

    Developed a user-friendly inventory management app, enabling users to track inventory items, manage quantities, and synchronize data in real-time with Firestore


    Ultimate Frisbee

    NYU Men's Ultimate Frisbee, Stuyvesant Sticky Fingers

    Handled more than $15,000 in alumni donations and school funding to compete at multiple out-of-state tournaments with a roster of 25 athletes, culminating in State Championships and Regionals.



    • alfardil

      Social Media

      Social media manager for NYU Men's Ultimate and NYU Bengali Student's Association

      Sep '24

    • alfardil


      Built 5 AI apps & APIs. Coached by Amazon, Bloomberg and Capital One engineers.
      NextJS, OpenAI, Pinecone, StripeAPI

      Jul '24

    • alfardil

      Accepted to College

      Comitted to NYU the College of Arts and Sciences with an 80k scholarship.

      Sep '23

    • alfardil

      Began Ultimate

      The greatest sport that is not recognized as a sport yet 😭

      Sep '22